Thursday, June 05, 2008

Its been a long time since I have updated the web on events and the like. Lately I have been working during the week, relaxing in the evenings and gardening on weekends. I have always liked gardening and have found particular joy and fulfillment in the recent re-concurring of the patch of garden the weeds had commandeered in recent years. My mother and I have spent our weekend mornings diligently weeding, planting mulching and debating the weed vs. wanted plant situation.

I have also been spending my time reading and job searching; the reading being most fulfilling and the job searching the exact opposite. It has left me wondering, questioning and reminding myself to have faith and hope. I need to remind myself of valuable information held within Jeremiah 29:11. I’m searching for employment in a far-off land called the West Coast. New surroundings, new job, new opportunity all sounds very appealing and is greatly desired but seems to be a challenge in even beginning to work towards. Once again I find myself asking and evaluating the pros and cons, the risk of jumping, and how far to jump…

But for now anyways, I look forward to small things. Flowers in my freshly weeded garden, belly dancing lessons with my youngest sister, and smiles and quality time shared with loved ones. I also eagerly await my departure to Warren Dunes for a weekend of camping with the Calvin girls and our respective boy-toys.


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