Saturday, October 06, 2007

An update is in order....

So this is how the story of my first 'real-world' job goes-

Monday: I hear about a part-time job with a Family Law Attorney in my hometown. I call the office, send them my resume and get an interview.

Tuesday: I have my dissertation printed, bound and sent off to University of East London.

Thursday: I have a great interview and get the part-time job with potential for it to become more full time.

Friday: Promoted after recieving a call asking if I would like to go from part-time filing and answering of phones to full time as an administrative assistant for a Partner in the law firm.

Monday: I start my day in the new promotion having never worked a day in the job I was hired for.

Ive now been at the job for two full weeks. Its a fast paced but fun environment. Its an all female office which adds a certain flair to the job. Its not necessarily in my preferred field of work but its a stepping stone on my way there.


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