Friday, April 16, 2010

Life continues as usual. Besides the earthquake that rocked Mexicalli and rolled through San Diego on Easter day, nothing of significance has occurred. I continue to work and learn growing in my knowledge as well as confusion in the Immigration world. Perhaps confusion is not the right word. No one case is the same as another. This is a line that we repeat to clients non-stop. No one case is the same as another. I have learned the truth of this in my own way.

Although I currently do a limited number of application types I have seen all different kinds of cases. In one day I could do three of the same types of applications but have three different questions that bring a unique twist to every case. It’s a process and one in which I am learning so much on a daily basis.

As part of my new year’s resolution I am taking a class at Church about prayer and strengthening my prayer life. My flossing is waning but I shall make every effort to step up on that endeavor once again. As far as reading a book a month, it is the fourth month and I have read six books thus far.


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