Saturday, December 09, 2006

UN Human Rights Day...

Tomorrow Decemeber 10th is the United Nations Human Rights Day and across the globe people will gather outside Sudanese Embassies in protest to what is happening in Darfur.

If anyone is going to be in London on Sunday December 10, 2006 join me and more outside the Sudanese Embassy at 10:30am to hear women speakers talk on the situation in Darfur before marching through London on our way to Downing Street.

If you are going to be in D.C. go to the Sudanese Embassy there.

If your going to be at home I encourage you to tell someone that 'today is the UN human rights day, makes me think of what is happening in Darfur and the total lack of political will the international community has shown in taking action to stop the violence there'. The first step is raising awareness. The second is taking action. Join me in taking action.


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