Thursday, September 14, 2006

I start this entry with a very unpleasant disposition. I had just completed writing this every entry when the computer ate it. It disappeared. Poof- gone. Me, not happy. Lots of holy craps said and the like. So to start agian...

Things are slowly getting better. Getting a key to my room, unpacking, moving things around and adding my personal touches helped a lot. Buying a few grociers did as well. Of course upon buying milk, eggs, and cereal among other things I realized that I dont have any silverware, cooking spoons and I remembered why I basically stopped drinking milk the last time I lived here. It's a good thing I stocked up on calcium supliments before I left.

Yesterday I sat through very long and boaring lectures. After which I went on a river boat cruise of London. Personally, I think the Chicago boat cruises are done better, but London sure does have more impressive and older architecture. After our excurstion in the city center I had a 'real British experience'. Myself and three other international students sat in a pub with drinks in hand and watched the Manchester United vs Celtic match on sky sports. Man U won 3-2.

Today I sat through a lecture on the parils of plagerism. This was no revilation for me but seemed to be for the 18 year old Albanian sitting next to me. After the lecture follwed lunch and then "registration" and student ID's. This process only convinced me more of UEL's unorganized and unprepared continual performance. I was once again shown to be a problem for them and had many an issue that needed sorting out. But I managed to walk away registered (which is actually something I realized I had done weeks ago) and with a student ID. I then treated myself to a mini-shopping trip at a near by strip of shops. I have now been in the British Borders. Love it here too.

In ten minutes I leave to go back to my boaring dorm room where I can only hope my newly connected internet awaits me...


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