Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer Work...

This marks the eighth day of work with the kids. I supervise kids ranging from 13 to 18 as they work outside. Weeding, trail blazing, picking up sticks and general yard work is, let me tell you now, not loved by most if not all of these kids. For that matter, neither is the strict rules and disciplinary tactics regularly enforced by their supervisors (me and four of my co-workers). I've already been called "a mean b****". This job has taught me several things, a few of which I will share. Patients are defiantly the first. I cannot simply yell at my little workers to hurry up or understand my sometimes-vague instructions. This brings me to the second lesson, be clear in instruction giving. Instructions that start with "Do you want to..." will immediately be responded to with a "No" without even thought or hesitation on their part. Questions posed such as " would you give me the..." are usually followed but with a throwing action rarely desired. Constant complaining and demanding to know the time are also a regular of my day.

This is not to say that the day is filled with constant correcting or arguing. The majority of the kids I work with are your normal mediocre teenage workers with the odd amazing diligent worker mixed in. My co-workers and I spend lunch breaks going over the comments overheard and actions taken by both youth and ourselves throughout the course of our working hours. Who said what, who didn't work, who you want to avoid for the afternoon work groups are always discussed in detail.

Another positive to the experience is my boss. He is everything one would look for in a supervisor, leadership and understanding being the two qualities I most appreciate in him. He 'has our back' so to speak, and is always joking around about how wonderful and or horrible the kids are. Yet, through it all one can really see how he has their best interests at heart. He cares for these kids enough to be tough when needed and understand what they are like to deal with day after day to not allow them to continuously dish out crap to us.

Other summer happenings...
Well, sadly enough, although by no means unexpectedly, the U.S. is out of the World Cup. England is still in with an amazing goal in their game against Ecuador, made by your friend and mine David Beckham. The Swiss/Ukraine game was tense as the game went into double over time and then a kick out. Other teams to keep an eye on over the next few days are Brazil and France. Also I'm still in the throws of figuring out my financing for grad-school. Prayers are always appreciated!


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