Friday, May 11, 2007

Monday- The Grand Day Out.
Met up with a friend who is in London for the week on business. We chatted in her hotel room, as I perused the celebrity magazines she always purchases before traveling. We headed over to Hyde Park laughing and talking with ease as if we still lived together. The weather was perfect for the hours we spent walking from London park to London park. Before dinner we purchased a 2 litre bottle of hard cider, which I managed to drop before leaving the store. Needless to say we did not have any cider that night for fear of a cider explosion. After dinner at a delicious Indian restaurant we walked back to her hotel, where I only stayed for another hour or so. Once my jet lagged friend started falling asleep between sentences I thought it best to leave her to regain consciousness after a goodnights sleep.

The two of us headed to Oxford Street to do a little shopping and lots more walking. After much searching we found a pub in Leicester Square to have a late lunch. I returned to east London around 3:30pm to prepare for my final class of grad school- ever. The night was unremarkable. Class went as usual, with the except that only three other of my classmates showed up for the last class of the semester. A fellow classmate and I headed to the local pub to celebrate having made it through the year with a pint.

After a good lie-in I packed up my laptop and headed to Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre to join my working compatriot. As I waited for her to finish with perspective clients, I was approached by a photographer. I kid you not when I say he came up to me and said I looked very photogenic and wanted to use me as a model for a few pictures. After my photo shoot I joined my friend as we anxiously waited for the day to end. We then ventured into Chinatown for dinner, and then headed off to the theatre for a play.

I met up with my friend at the conference and we spent the afternoon giggling and talking wedding details. When the conference finally came to an end we headed to Tesco for some random dinner. With an indi-movie on we had enjoyed grapes and cheese and crackers.

With my trip back to Chicago in exactly three weeks I’ve been anxious to finish my papers and dissertation proposal. With two of my three papers handed in along with my dissertation proposal, packing is next on my agenda.


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