Sunday, July 27, 2008

I am so exhausted I can barely think of what to write and know I am in no condition to be witty. Just as I have learned that even if you are best friends with a person, that does not necessarily mean you will live together well - I have now also learned that just because you love someone and enjoy their company does not mean you will make perfect road trip companions. Arguments in a moving truck are no fun because it leaves you without the option of storming off and slamming a door, two things I feel I need to effectively communicate my frustration.

My apartment is set up for the most part. I learned it is not worth moving an old couch because it will feel as heavy as it is old and generally on a whole, less is more. More is too much and way to heavy so stick with less and you will have more energy and more space. Although small, my place has just enough space for me and my rag tag collection of belongings. It shall be interesting when my two guests show up next month and three of us are in my two room, one bathroom apartment. It will be cozy to be sure.

Not quite sure what I think of my new surroundings yet. My mind is preoccupied with the up coming surgery of the BF, starting the new job and paying for all my expenses on a monthly basis. Its when I start thinking of all this that I become so overwhelmed and tired I must distract myself before I become lost in my thoughts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A run-down of the road trip to Cali thus far:

Packing up moving truck.
Result: half of bushes in front of parent's home removed when positioning van.
Reaction: oops.

Departing hometown for California at 3 a.m.
Result: tired, cranky and hungry
Reaction: bickering and complaining earlier than usual

Driving through Nebraska.
Result: new found hatred of state
Reaction: complaining about state through entire state

Getting stuck in parking lot at 9:30 p.m. of hotel that was full.
Result: 1 hour of backing up and maneuvering a 24 foot moving truck and attached car carrier trailer
Reaction: a lot of yelling and standing in the rain

Very tired BF at 10 a.m. Thursday
Result: I get to drive truck
Reaction: I was thrilled, he was sleeping

Can not wait to see what tomorrow holds as we drive through the states of Arizona, Nevada and finally CALIFORNIA!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Adventure again ensues. The move is very real now and only a week away. I have procured an apartment, employment and a mission. I will be the proud renter of my very own one bedroom apartment in the North Park part of San Diego. I will also be the pleased and proud employee of Grass Roots Campaign. For those of you who do not know the organization I will let you discover on your own the nature of this non-profit, knowing that you will learn of its ethos, shake your head, smile and say how you are not surprised or how typical of me that I would seek out a job with this organization.

Although there is a trial period for the job, I like to think it is already mine. My first day at work will be an ‘observation day’. I will arrive dressed causally but presentable for a day of canvassing on the streets of San Diego. Hired as a potential Field Manager, I will learn how to encourage the troops, as it were, to plan and plot our routes and strategies and most importantly to bring in the money for our candidate.

I of course have concerns, even fears, regarding this position. My biggest concern is being able to successfully raise money in order to earn money. In my interview, the national recruiter assured me that if I lasted through the next three months until after the campaign that there would still be a position for me in the San Diego office. Apparently they have been known to promote quickly, so there is the hope that if I am able to over come the challenge, I will have the possibility of hopefully being promoted to an office job.

My mission is to discover and thrive in the process of it all. This will be the first time I will be truly on my own, no loans to get me through the year, no parents to buy my snacks, to remind me my clean clothes are still sitting in the washing machine or sit around on a weekend and chat with at the kitchen table. The rent, the car gas, the food, the bills…all mine. I just got shivers. I need to budget my money and fill my days with people, reading, watching and learning. The discovery part of my mission is easy. I have already begun marking in a San Diego/Tijuana Guidebook all the gardens, restaurants, playhouses, museums and neighborhoods I want to visit, seek out, watch, eat at and learn to love.