An English weekend...
Today I'm going to be lying low. Since waking up at 10:45am the day as shown to be a perfect example of English weather, slight drizzle turned to downpour turned to 10 minutes of beautiful sun before turning again to drizzle as the cycle continues. So instead of venturing out of my dorm room I will rehash my weekend while listening to the Best of Cream and drinking English Breakfast tea.
Friday night was spent with the usual friends I have grown to appreciate and amuse myself with. The group ranges from a core of three, two Americans and a Swiss, with the addition of two Germans. We are all different in many ways, language, nationality, interests and life experiences but all seem to get along well and always find an interesting topic to discuss, movie to watch or experience to share. Friday was spent hanging out at one of our three's house not arriving back in my own room until 4:30am. I was awoken at 10:30 that same morning to the invitation of a German to go to the local market for the rest of the morning. I have visited this market on several other occasions and was eager to return with others. The downtown area of our local corner of London fills itself Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with a montage of street vendors. Mobile phones, movies, CD's, shoes, Jamaican food, rugs, fruit and fresh flower stands are just a introduction to the multitude of stands filled with yelling sales men and persistent shoppers. We walked up and down the many stands more than once. I restricted my shopping to a huge and very heavy bag filled and in danger of overflowing with peaches I bought for only £2. I was tempted more than once to buy a bouquet of fresh flowers (I believe fresh flowers are one of the two main ingredients that can be bought to heal the soul, the other of course being chocolate). As we walked I noticed that the left side of my lower back ached with unusuall consistency and intensity. By the time we left the local market well after 1pm, I was more than ready to sit for the bus ride home and thankful that I did not have to carry my pounds of peaches much longer. After a quick shower I returned to my friends house to spend the afternoon with 'the boys'.
After a short walk around the Dockland campus along the waters edge we waited for the 366 bus that has never arrived on time, to take us to the local bowling alley. Since coming to England I have now bowled twice, before that I had not bowled since I was 12. I have learned that I suck at bowling but despite this have a lot of fun. After one game, of which I earned half of what everyone else did, we returned to the house of our friend for some pasta, garlic bread and two very bad movies. Upon returning back to my room at the very respectable hour of 1:30am I found many IM messages left by my mother inquiring where I was. After a thirty minute video chat I dropped into my bed not to rising again until 10:45 this morning.
Waking up to an English downpour I waited until the sun came out to go for a run in the local park. At the start of my run I realized that my backache was not just because I was carrying around a heavy bag of fruit but felt more like an intense strain of some sort probably from stretching I had done. Half way through my run it began to rain buckets. Not pour but actually I felt as though buckets of water were continually being dropped on me. So after a hot shower and tea I sit in the confines of my dorm room enjoying the lazy solitude while I can.
My first class starts tomorrow night. I am currently not nervous although I'm sure this will change once I take my seat in front of a internationally known human rights lawyer in a class filled with people ten years older than I with lifetimes of knowledge and experience.
OH, I'd also like to say Happy Birthday to my second Mom!!! I miss you and wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!!!